It is an extension for the browser that is designed to keep your system and privacy safe while you are surfing the web by letting you know when there’s danger up ahead so that you’d know not to proceed to the page you were about to visit. The real WebAdvisor tool is a legitimate piece of software developed and owned by the well-known McAfee software security company. The thing is, it could be either thing, depending on the situation – let us explain: The WebAdvisor app/browser extension is a piece of software that many users are confused about, not knowing whether it is something legitimate and safe or if it’s a malicious virus that it needs to be removed immediately. If there’s a hijacker on your PC that mimics WebAdvisor, you’re likely to encounter aggressive pop-ups, fake malware warnings, and other disturbances in the browser. WebAdvisor is a legitimate web extension developed by McAfee that often gets mimicked by browser hijackers and other undesirable apps.